Sunday, May 17, 2020


All Important Scientist Names (DNA)

1.*  Friedrich Miescher (1869) – Named DNA as nuclein and identified DNA as an acidic substance present in nucleus

2.James Watson and Francis Crick (1953) – Double helix model of DNA

3.* Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin – X-Ray crystallography structure of DNA

4.* Erwin Chargaff – Ratio of adenine and thymine and guanine and cytosine are constant and equal one

5.*  Francis Crick – Central dogma

6.  H. Temin and D. Baltimore (1970) – Reverse central Dogma or teminism

7.  Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod and Maclyn Mccarty (1933 - 44) – Concluded that DNA is heredity material but scientist do not accept.

8.Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase (1952) – Proved that DNA is genetic material.

9.  Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl experiment (1958) – Semi conservative replication of DNA experiment on E. Coli

Conclusion : DNA replicates semi conservatively.

10.* Taylor and Colleagues (1958) on Vicia Faba ( Faba Beans )

Conclusion : DNA replicates semi conservatively.

11. George Gamow – Genetic code

12. Marshall Nirenberg – Code deciphered

13. F. Sanger – Method of determination of amino acid sequence in protein

14. Jacob Monod – Lac operon

15.* Frederick Griffith(1928) –Transformation Principle

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